Prayers for Laylat ul Qadr Ramadan
Prayers for Ramadan:
The different prayers repeated during Ramadan to draw closer to God.
The ninth month on the Islamic calendar where Muslims fast from dawn to marriage and participate in the spiritual manifestation of God - is one of the most well-known aspects of this religion. Fasting, which is common to avoid food and / or drink, is part of many world religions. But fasting in Ramadan is a special part of the Islamic faith, one of its five pillars, and a time when the rewards of fasting and prayer are merciful.
A colleague once asked the Prophet Muhammad what he could do to find paradise. The prophet advised him to fast. But this hadith (a confirmed word of the Prophet Muhammad) goes on to say that hunger and thirst alone will not bring enlightenment and spiritual rewards. The act of sincere prayer and prayer must be accompanied. With this in mind, here are ten prayers one can memorize during Ramadan to draw closer to God.
Prayer of Fasting:
For many things in Islam, such as attending a Hajj spiritual pilgrimage or reciting five daily prayers, the fast begins with performing a du du, or prayer, for the purpose of fasting, called niyyat. This prayer serves as a notice to God that you intend on your heart and soul to fast during Ramadan for His pleasure. It can be done just before the start of the month, or it is recommended to be done every morning in suhoor, a pre-fast breakfast.
You are clearly claiming to yourself (as God is your witness) your intention to fast, in whatever language you speak. For example, you might tell yourself, “Ah, Ah, I intend to fast today depending on your rules and your gains. Please accept my fast, forgive my mistakes, and bring me closer to you. ”
Source: "Fasting Laws of Islamic Law" by Ayatullah Seestani and "Speeches on Fiqh" by Maulana Sadiq Hasan
Prayer for Skipping the Fast:
One of the first prayers I read was that all Muslims remember when they broke up immediately. I used to sit (and actually not sleep) when I read. And it was my duty at iftaar (a quick sunset meal) to repeat this cry, after which my family members fasted a day. Fasting never ends unless this prayer is repeated:
"Allahuma is in love with the bounty of the bantu of 'alayka tawakkaltu wa' ala rizq-ika aftarthu."
Ah Allah! I fast for you and I believe in You [and I put my trust in You] and I break my fast and your diet. ”
Prayer for Forgiveness:
Ramadan is a time when Muslims are told in the Qur'an and in the Hadith that God will forgive their sins if they engage in sincere worship and repentance. The following prayer is a good thing to repeat during Ramadan asking for Allah's forgiveness:
Ah Ah, I ask you for Your mercy that covers all things, that you forgive me.
This is a prayer Abdullah ibn Amar, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, often recalled while drinking food, as reported by Ibn abi Mulaykah.
Prayers of Taraweeh:
There are endless prayers that Muslims say during Ramadan - some from the Qur'an, others from hadiths, and some who say they are partners of the Prophets and Muslim scholars. But the special type of prayer during the month of Ramadan is the taraweeh prayers, which are special prayers that are said at night after a fast and physical walk like those Muslims do during their five daily prayers.
In the taraweeh prayers, the hafiz, or the recipient of the Qur'an, repeats one chapter of the Qur'an each night while the followers stand behind and pray. Through the passage of Ramadan, the Qur'an is repeated again and again, one chapter at a time. Like reading the Qur'an (and completing it, if you can), it is highly recommended during Ramadan.
Prayers of Zikr:
Zikr, or repeated prayers in remembrance of God, is often thought of as part of Islamic culture, when in fact it is an integral part of all Islamic life and is of great importance during Ramadan. A great way to connect with God while doing all the tasks that are not in daily life (driving, waiting in line, fixing dinner), repeating and short sentences:
Subhanʻallah, a phrase used by Muslims to express strong feelings of happiness or relief and recalls how all Muslims have to thank Allah.
Alhamdulillah, or "Praise be to God!" (It is a Quranic exclamation with the same meaning as hallelujah.)
Astaghfirullah, which means "I seek forgiveness from God."
Allahu Akbar, or "God is too great."
Prayer for the first 10 days of Ramadan:
Muslim scholars agree that Ramadan is a holy month that any kind of prayer, whether it comes from your heart or one from the Qur'an or other Islamic holy texts, will be accepted by Allah and the rewards of those prayers. there will be many. But the Prophet Muhammad urged Muslims to recite from time to time during Ramadan. For example, for the first 10 days of the month, repeating the following prayer offers other benefits:
"Rabbigh fir war hum of anta khair ur rahimeen."
Oh my Lord and Support please forgive me and be merciful to me. He leads the way among those who show mercy.
Source: Reported from Prophet Muhammad from hadith.
Prayer for the second day of Ramadan:
This prayer, from the Qur'an, was suggested by the Prophet Muhammad to be repeated as often as possible during the 10 days of Ramadan for maximum rewards and forgiveness of sins. This prayer is important to me, as my father instructed me to repeat it during the first Ramadan I shared with my husband after our wedding, when I was pregnant with our first child, in a lounge bed, and able to attend the prayers of our taraweeh mosque in New York City.
"Allahumma makah afuwun tuhibbul chewed on anna."
Oh Allah you are truly a great pardoner and love the act of forgiveness. So, please forgive us.
Source: Reported from Prophet Muhammad from hadith.
Prayer for the third day of Ramadan:
This particular prayer was suggested by the Prophet Muhammad to be repeated in the last 10 days of Ramadan as much as possible. It implores God to forgive us, because God is far better at forgiving people for their mistakes.
"Astaghfirullaha rabbi min kulli zambin wa atabu ilaih."
I seek forgiveness of all my sins from the Lord who is my master and backer and I return to repentance only to Him.
Source: Reported from Prophet Muhammad from hadith.
Prayers on Laylat Al Qadr, or Night of Power:
As all prayers benefit during Ramadan, any prayers mentioned in Laylat Al Qadr, or "Night of Power," are rewarded. Laylat Al Qadr is one of the holy nights of Ramadan. It is on the eve of one of the most unusual days during the last 10 days of Ramadan and is widely believed to decline on the 27th of the month. The night is commemorated as when the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation of the Quran.
Personal Prayers in Ramadan:
The key to praying during Ramadan (or at any other time, for that matter), is praying fervently with all your heart and soul. Growing up, my parents always instructed me to pray exactly what I wanted, no matter how much my prayer are.
thanks bro