Husband and wife relationship tips are better

by - April 30, 2020

Although many Muslims may currently be in failed marriages and are in a hurry to get a divorce with their negative consequences, there are many ways to put their marriage back in the right line if the husband and wife are faithful to their desire for reconciliation. The following principles can be applied to Muslims whose marriages are already in crisis or Muslims who would like to avoid problems in their marriage.

Examples of Husband & Woman's Bad Relationships:

Many Muslim men and women treat each other as antagonists rather than partners. The husband thinks he is the boss, and whatever he says goes away. The wife feels that she should put in all she can for her husband. Some wives never show their husband that they are satisfied with anything they do or buy them something to get her to do and buy something. They make her feel like a failure if she doesn't give them a lifestyle that pleases their friends and family. Some men speak abusively to their wives, shame them and even physically abuse them. Their wives have no voice or opinion in the family.

Marriage In the sight of Allah:

It is very unfortunate that this unholy alliance with which Allah is bestowed has become the basis of controversy, deceit, fraud, violence, humiliation, and abuse. This is not the way marriage should be.

Allah described marriage very differently from the Holy Quran: '. . . He builds mates among you, that you may live in peace with them, and He has placed love and kindness in (your) hearts. . . ”(The Holy Koran 30:21, Josuf Ali Translation).

 Don't be a dictator:

No matter how much Islam has made her husband the head of cities, Muslims should not be rulers and dictators. We are taught to treat our wives well. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is said to have said: 'The most perfect Muslim in the matter of faith is a man of great character; and the best among you are those who behave well towards their wives ”(From Mishkat al-Masabih, No. 0278 (R) Posted by Tirmidhi).

  Decision Make at right time:

Follow the principle of 'Shura,' and then make decisions as a family. There will be a lot of harmony in the family where decisions are not made and everyone feels that you have a particular role to play.

 Never Be Emotional:

Never abuse yourself emotionally, emotionally, or physically for your spouse. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, he did not mistreat his wife. He is said to have said: 'How can they beat their women during the day as slaves and sleep with them at night? "

 Be aware of Your words:

Be very careful what you say when you are upset. Sometimes you will say things you will never say when you are angry. If you are angry, wait until you are calm before continuing the conversation.

 Show Love:

Show love for your spouse. Be kind, gentle, and loving.

 Be a Partner Friend:

Show interest in your spouse's life. Often, we live in the same house but we know nothing about another's life. It would be great if the husband and wife could work together for the same reason or for the same project. They may set up a husband / wife in prison, care for orphans in their homes, or lead an Islamic weekend class.

 Show Appreciation:

Show appreciation for what your spouse is doing for the family. Never make your husband feel that he is not doing well for the family or that he is not satisfied with his job or his efforts, unless, of course, he is really lazy and doesn't even try to feed the family. The Prophet (SAWS) is said to have said: 'On Judgment Day, God will not look at this ungrateful woman to her husband. "(Where is this Hadith) Show your wife that yThe Professor is known to have helped his wife in the house. And if the Prophet (SAWS) had not been doing more homework, today's Muslim husbands should not feel that way.

 Communication is Important:

Communication, Communication, Communication! This is a great word for advice. And it should be. Husbands and wives need to communicate with each other. It's better to deal with problems early and honestly than to let them accumulate until an explosion occurs.

 Forget Past Problems:

Don't bring past problems once they are resolved.

 Live Easily:

Don't be jealous of those who look like they are living a life of luxury over your family. "Rizq" comes from Allah (SWT) .To improve the quality of contentment, look for those people who have less than you, not those who have more. Thank you Allah (SWT) for many blessings in your life.

 Give Your Partner One Time:

If your spouse doesn't want to be with you all the time, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. People need to be alone for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they want to read, to think about their problems, or just to relax. Don't make them feel like they are committing sin.

 Confess Your Mistakes:

When you make a mistake, admit it. If your spouse makes a mistake, apologize easily. If possible,

never fall asleep angry.

 Physical Relationships Are Important:

Be there for your sexual partner, and don't let your sexuality be selfish. The Prophet reportedly said: 'You should not fall on your wives as an animal but you should send a message of love ahead of time. "

 Have dinner together:

Try to eat together as a family when possible. Show the cook and the dishwasher, whether husband or wife, thank them for their efforts. The Prophet did not complain about the food placed before him.ou are grateful. She takes care of the house and the children, does not take it for granted.

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